Church of New Orleans

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Celebrating National Scotch Day!

On July 27th, we celebrate National Scotch Day! Scotch whisky dates back to the 15th century, and there are five distinct categories: single malt Scotch, single grain Scotch, blended malt Scotch, blended grain Scotch, and blended Scotch. Protected by law in 1933, and further in 1988 with the Scotch Whisky Act, specific guidelines must be followed when making Scotch. First, it must be made in Scotland, and only malted barley may be used, along with water and yeast. Other grains can be included, but no fermentation additives, per law. Scotch must also be aged in oak barrels for at least three years and have an ABV of less than 94.8%. Got it? Good! Now sit back and enjoy some Scotch to celebrate this very special day!